We are passionate about sleep.

and you should be too!
Read our blogs below to learn more about sleep and what can be done to better it.

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Which natural ingredients can help improve your sleep?

A well-balanced diet and aromatics can help you on your journey to better sleep. Including essential oils like lavender oil and sandalwood can help create a calming and sleep-inducing environment before you sleep. Along with making sure you are getting the right vitamins and minerals including magnesium and tryptophan to help you regulate your sleep cycle hormones again improving your sleep.

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Sleeping Well on Holiday: Tips for a Restful Vacation

This being said, it is easy to lose your sleep routine and hygiene when you go on holiday with an unfamiliar environment and changes in schedule, and of course jetlag. This can disrupt your sleep and for this reason, it is important to have some tricks you can implement to help you maintain your sleep routine and get the best night's sleep possible on holiday.

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What Happens When We Sleep?

We spend about a third of our lives sleeping. So we can be sure if nature intended us to spend such a large amount of time in slumber then there must be a pretty good reason for it and there is; Sleep provides a wide variety of health benefits essential for our bodies, mind, and health.

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Common Causes for Poor Sleep & Insomnia

Getting a good night’s sleep seems like it should be the simplest thing to do, but for many of us, the reality can be far from this. When it comes to our sleep there are countless different factors which can affect the quality, duration, and restfulness of our sleep. We want to share with you some of the common causes of insomnia and help you solve the possible reasons for your poor sleep.

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Six Simple ways you can Improve your Sleep

Struggling to get a good night's sleep can be a frustrating experience, especially when those bad nights happen frequently and poor sleep feels like your norm. The good news is insomnia doesn’t need to be your reality, in this article we will provide you with six simple tips and tricks to improve your sleep, for good.

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Why Your Diet Might be Causing Your Insomnia

What we eat during the day gives us energy – but did you know that it could be impacting our sleep? We often consider how certain foods may affect our health, but it is less common for us to consider what our eating and drinking habits might be doing to our ability to get a good night’s sleep. In this article, we will explore some common insomnia-inducing foods that might be causing your sleep problems…

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Why Sleep is Vital for Your Diet & Fitness goals

It’s easy to forget that taking care of your body by resting is just as important as training effectively. You need sleep for muscle growth, sports performance, recovery, and learning. You might already be following strict training and nutrition programs, but without incorporating sleep into your program, you might be hindering your progress.

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Common Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are common issues in modern society – but our knowledge and understanding of them seems to be less common. Sleep disorders are said to affect about a third of all adults – but many of us are unsure of the signs to look out for. Poor sleep doesn’t just leave you feeling groggy and in need of extra coffee, if untreated, it can lead to serious long-term medical conditions including heart disease. Therefore, it is very important to address any sleep problems before they become deep-rooted.

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How to Create a Perfect Night-time Routine for Getting Great Sleep

Many of us use a morning routine to help us start our day on the right foot. Whether it is enjoying a coffee, catching up with the news, hitting the gym or incorporating a morning meditation, most of us have some kind of routine to help set us up for the day ahead. But why do so few of us apply the same positive habits and principles to our night-time routine?

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Everyday Medical Conditions that could be Affecting your Sleep

You may be surprised to learn that certain medical conditions, as well as the medications used to treat them, could be having an impact on your sleep and contributing to your insomnia. In turn, sleeping poorly can worsen your medical conditions or make it more challenging to recover.

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